
sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

Expressing What I feel

I don't speak English, even loving this language... Cause I took the less that I know and write a menssage....

My tears falling in my face... The pain took me completely...I don't know what is right to do... I don't know what I want to do or where I want to go... I'm all alone with my sorrow... I've become numb because of people that tell me what to feel, to do, to go, to be...
Tears in my eyes than look so far... Waiting for something that my heart cries inside... I just wanna be myself, I just wanna know happiness, I just wanna find my mind again...
I'm searching my way in some place that i unknown; my life follow a course of sadness, my soul cries for Justice, for a place where I'll belong, and will be really happy.
I'm one in a thousand people trying discover Who I really am...

I study English alone, cause in town where I live the English courses are so expensive... And I don't have money to do it... But I study and try give my best in everything that I do!

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