
sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2012

Regressive Counting to 2013

The year is ending... And with it I hope that the bad things too... 2012 was the worst year of my life! And continue being.
Yesterday, the party of my mom's work was so fun, I liked too much, and today we were go at supermarket make the buy to this moth. The day wasn't a completely sucks.
I am upset with some things, I try everyday be a good daughter to my mom, I study so hard to take good notes, I make everything that I can for this, but is never enough... I was not created to cook, clean home and be the perfect "house woman" and I'm so sorry 'cause I know is this what she wants...
I won't make plans to 2013, doesn't matter what I wish or what I'll try to do  everything will be the same... I'm so tired of everything... and what makes me more sad is that nothing will be different, I always be me and this always will be a problem.

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