
quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2013

Dear Diary...

I need to organize my clock! My times are crazy! More crazy than me. Today I received a comment in my post Female Voices, a girl thar told me to search and study more 'cause she didn't believe that Simone Simons is a Dramatic Soprano and Sharon Den Andel a Mezzo Soprano. Please! Everything that I post here is because I know that is true, and I made music classes I know what I say ok Miss Luciana? Thanks.
My day today was so good, but I'm a little upset because I have to learn to wake up early for have time to do all the things thar I have to do. Tomorrow I'll try do it. Yesterday I heard a beautiful gospel song called "How Loves Us" that in Portuguese translated "Me ama" for the gospel band "Diante do Trono" it's really a wonderful lyric, but i don't agree with the idea that some bands just aim profits in name of God.
Some singers traveling to USA, using fashion clothes and still say that some people go to hell! Please! I have nothing against the protestant religion, but some things are so wrong, at least in Brazil that is sucks country in my opinion. God not is a store! I know that singers have to work to survive and great bands make so much sucess but say that people are destinated to hell or put down other religions like mine is a sin too. This band singer said in a "preaching" that found a nun in a event. She's done little of catholic religion and the nun saying that God was testing her! Guys this is terrible. God is the same for everybody and she's don't have the right to say this things about my religion.
Changing the talk... Next week I'll back with more one Nyah history and tomorrow if all be allright I'll finally end to read Passion and start read Rapture so I'll conclude the Fallen Novels and can start other book. Speaking of books my best friend Shirllene it will give to me the book Snow White and the Huntsman :) I'm so excited with this that I'm counting the minutes to read! And I really have to read more. Ok, now I'll take a shower and sleep a good night for you and see you tomorrow :)

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