
quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2013


Hey blog friends!
Since I did 'found me' I'm feeling so better. I'm working so hard in my books, and try enter in internet the possible less. I want a time for me, just make what I really like to do: Write. This is really important to me and someday I'll be a great novelist. You seem that the last posts have been in English, right? It's because I'm studying to make my vocabulary better and learn new words, and also because I wish that my blog was seen in USA.
I have been dedicated more time to my tumblr, there is a place where I can keep calm and organize my thoughts, have new ideas, and fun too. The things are a little crazy in last days, but I'm feeling better with myself, I'm learning to accept me and hearing more different songs, no heavy metal, just calm songs and new feelings. I'm liking it's a ew moment in my life and I want to enjoy; I'm praying to be happy again, to see a world with child eyes, live in a field of innocence with sweet songs, and real smiles... I know that I can make more better than this and I will fight so hard to do it! I want...I can.

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