
quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013

A little Sadness.

I think that... I finally found me. Well, I know that I like calm songs, like Taylor Swift and One Republic and no just heavy musics. I know that I like make up delicate and red lipstick too. I like to use different types of clothes depending of my humor. And I'm change my mind so easy with everything that I like.
I'm the kind of girl that like sad songs to have ideas, that hear the same song over and over till the letter be lock up in my mind. I dream with things that seem impossible, I like to hide me of the people, and stay nervous with anything. I like rain and my big dream is live in a cold place in a forest away of here.
I am a person that always change in something, but for inside always be the same. And I know this is what I looked for, what I needed to know about me, see. Doesn't matter the size of my hair or the type of clothe I'm wearing, if I'm using tennis or high heels inside I'll always be the same person and this is the important... Now I'm happy I don't worry anymore with my changes will always be happen and maybe this is a good thing, but inside I'm always the same, I'll always change my mind... Over and Over. I just want live and write my own history.

Yesterday I was so upset, and I'm still. My first saga just gave 91 pages in the book one. I'm depress! I won't be a novelist never! And you don't know how much this is cut me inside!

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