
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013


Ok, I know that I disappeared and I'm so sorry for this, but I have explanations to tell you. 2013 started well, but I didn't start so good. These first days were really a great challenge ad still are. I need a time, I can't write 'cause my mind is blocked like it have a key and it was locked up inside! I'm feel so tired about eveyithing, yesterday I desativated some accounts that I have, like facebook, I want a little time for me, just listen to music, relax, maybe watch movies and read a little more. Forget everything and everyone, soon the college is back and my time will be short ¬.¬' I don't have so much time and I want o appreciate my now.
So, I think that my internet time will be more short for now... I hope you understand...
I've heard so much this song, it's really perfect and combines with my moments

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